Thursday, October 29, 2009

Blog #9

In my case, my faculty advisor expects from me dedication, be able to attend every meeting, and to meet the deadlines for every job I'm assigned to. We have weekly meeting where I provide the current status of my job. We also discuss the problems I'm having with my work and the possible solutions or approaches I can take.

How effectively are you pursuing your research interests?
I work every day with my thesis and try to understand every detail. I read research papers, I work out examples on the board, and I write code to check my understanding of the problem.

My research interests and my thesis are closely related. My research interests include software engineering and programming languages. Somehow, my thesis is related to software testing (validation and verification), and programming languages requires knowledge of grammars, compilers, and more. I like both fields, and I investigate, read, and learn on these two fields.

I have talked with my faculty professor about my interests in software testing. With respect to the field of programming languages, I have discussed this with my colleagues.

My successes to date are the software testing of an application for Boeing, and the understanding and advancement on my thesis. Understanding my thesis better, and have it work for some parts is a step.

I'm concerned about the timeline and deadlines for every work I need to submit.
Sometimes is hard for me to manage both my research and teaching obligations. Thus, most of the time I need to wisely manage my time and obligations to each area.

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